Building Blocks of Business: Yours or Your Own?

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

Whether you are working a 9-to-5, side hustling, or freelancing you are always building a business.

This is the secret of business that no one tells you. Your employer, if you have one, is making money off of you because you are building their business. The company you work for, even if it is one of those enticing “be your own boss” businesses, is making money off the work you put in.

So, if you are always going to be building a business, why not make it your own business?

Side Hustle vs Business Ownership

Side hustles can be great ways to learn new skills and build some income. No question. I wrote a post about having a side hustle earlier this month. 

However, any side hustle implies that it is simply a “Hustle.” You are trying to get quick money. There is no implication of being invested in a hustle long term.

Inevitably, most side hustles end up with you lining someone else’s pockets. Owning a business is different because it involves you investing in yourself over the long haul to someday (not necessarily immediately) build wealth.

That is what we should be aiming for.

The Long Haul In Business

Here is another secret about business that no one tells you: you don’t need a building, an office, tools, employees, or even a legal entity (yet).

This is the beauty of places like Etsy, right? You can take something you do creatively and sell it to people online. No office space needed. No employees. Just whatever you need access to for your craft.

Want another secret?

Business is about the long haul.

Here’s what I mean: the best businesses are the ones who aren’t making decisions about today but about five, ten, fifteen years from now.

You don’t need to be making money in your business right now, so long as you are in it for the long haul to make money. Work on building your business with the expectation that the work you do now creates wealth down the road.

When your business becomes less of a grind and more of an investment in your future, then it quickly becomes a joy to work on building your business.

Invest in Yourself

Building a business is not easy. 

I am not here to lie to you about how wonderful it is all the time.

I am here, though, to ask you to consider investing in yourself. Your business is an investment in growing yourself as a person, a way to build wealth for yourself or your family, and the best way to improve your skills in so many areas of life.

Each hour you spend working on building your business is an hour spent investing in your future, one way or another. You can’t lose.

Think of it like this, even if your business sucks, you are learning valuable skills along the way that you can use in the workplace, in your home life, in your finances, etc.

Just because your business isn’t succeeding right this second doesn’t mean it can’t succeed in the future, so don’t stress about right now. Figure out how to improve over time and continue to invest in yourself!

You Can Do This

One last business secret for you: you can do this.

There are 1 million reasons out there why people might say you shouldn’t have your own business or why you can’t have your own business. 

But who cares?

The greatest secret in business is that anyone can do this.

It takes time, dedication, and putting in the work to invest in yourself and in your business. That’s it.

Skill helps, of course. Natural talent helps, of course.

But those aren’t the norm and they aren’t required. 

So, what is stopping you from taking the plunge? 1% improvement everyday takes very little work, but has huge implications in the long term. 

So what is holding you up from investing in yourself by building a business 1% at a time?

Categories: DSM Personal