Side Hustle: Myths to Get Busted

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

I Cast: Dispel On Side Hustle Myths!

This post is less about all the steps you need to take to start up X or Y side hustle. It’s not a pitch to get you to become a writer, like myself. And it is not a post about joining an MLM.

Instead, your time would be better spent understanding a few things that are sometimes misunderstood about what a side hustle is or how you get started.

Myth #1 – A Side Hustle Takes Lots of Time

I have heard from so many people that they “don’t have time” for a side-hustle.

Sometimes that may be true. Often, though, I think it is people not wanting to trade more of their time for money (a post on that *later*).

Here’s the thing: a good side hustle doesn’t need to take you more than a couple hours a week. If you are really ambitious, then sure you could spend double digit hours on your side hustle.

But you don’t HAVE to spend lots of time.

Figure out how much money you want to generate, determine how much time you want to work on your side hustle a week, and find a side hustle that will accommodate those two things.


Just the right amount of time and just the right amount of money.

Myth #2 – A Side Hustle Means Working For Someone

Now, this is one that drives me up a wall.

There will definitely be another post about this one.

Yes, you could get a part-time job as a side hustle. Yes, you could get a part-time job being “your own boss” working for another company.

But you don’t have to.

You can always start your own business and do exactly what you want within the time constraints you want. Your side hustle can be your very own business.

Myth #3 – I’d Have to Learn a New Skill

Another one I have heard is the fear of learning something new or difficult or intimidating.

To this, I can only say, “Technically, yeah, I guess.”

Most of the skills are already things you know, but it’s just the learning curve that comes with doing anything or starting any new job. That’s not really that big of a deal.

I think we get too hyped up in our own head.

Even starting a business as your side hustle doesn’t have to be that intimidating.

  1. You don’t have to worry about taxes until you meet your state’s income threshold
  2. You don’t necessarily have to legalize your business (LLC, etc.) right away
  3. You don’t have to get clients right away, just start with people you already know

See. Feel better? Even starting your own business for a side hustle seems easier now, huh?

Myth #4 – My Schedule Is Too Busy For a Side Hustle

This is the last one that I hear often.

Honestly, this one is similar to Myth #1 but with the acknowledgement that I do have the time, just not within my preferred schedule.

Alright. I get it. I have two kids of my own (at the time of this writing) and I run my own business and I have a part time job and I have a side hustle(s?). Yet, I found the time.

The key is finding the side hustle that fits your schedule.

If you only have time from 6am-8am before your 9-5 job, then driving for UberEats makes no sense. You need to find a side hustle where you could get work done in that timeframe.

Remote positions work well for flexible schedules, so look into those.

Don’t narrow your scope of what a side hustle could be with the ones you hear about all the time. Expand your options and I guarantee you will find something that fits your schedule.

Be a Myth-Buster (Not Those Mythbusters, Though)

If you feel the need to earn some extra dollars and a side hustle is the solution right for you, then you need to power through these common myths.

  • You have the time for a side hustle.
  • You don’t have to do a side hustle where you work for someone else if you don’t want to.
  • You may learn something new, but that’s no different than anything in life.
  • You can find a side hustle that fits your schedule, no matter how quirky, if you get creative.

Go find that side hustle! You go, girl/boy/person/pet (oh my gosh, what if your pet did the work for you instead? I did say to get creative).

Categories: DSM Personal

1 Comment

Building Blocks of Business: Yours or Your Own? - DSM Story Forge LLC · July 2, 2021 at 2:36 pm

[…] be great ways to learn new skills and build some income. No question. I wrote a post about having a side hustle earlier this […]

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