What Does It Mean to Be Human in Digital Marketing?

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

Hey, Google, Define “Human”…

“Creatures who bow before our AI Overlords…”

Hold up! I think there was a glitch in the system, lemme search that one more time.

Ah, yes. Here it is, “relating to or characteristic of people or human beings.”

Well, that’s…underwhelming

Don’t worry I did my research! One website gives a list of 12 things that make humans “human” – ranging from the ability to communicate with words, symbols, and body to having a form of government. Honestly, though, those seem pretty loose and even some animals might fit within those descriptions?

After a deeper dive, I am realizing that I have gotten myself into some trouble.

However, I think I have a definition I am comfortable with: a being with all the characteristics of homo sapiens with a capacity for Emotional, Intellectual, and (in my opinion) Spiritual well-being.

What Does It Mean to Be Human? Let Me Explain…

When I use the term “well-being” I do not mean “healthy” necessarily. And when I say “a capacity for…well-being” I do not mean only the potential of “well-being” but the ability to even grasp at these concepts.

Why am I phrasing it this way? 

Well, because even an infant can grasp the idea of “good emotions,” i.e. they cry when they want to let us know something is wrong and coo, rest, and smile when things are good. 

Because even an infant can grasp the idea of intellectual well-being by being stimulated and talked to and, eventually, recognize faces and voices and sounds. 

Because even an infant can grasp the idea of spiritual well-being in ways we may not be able to understand – but kids are more tuned into their surroundings, the emotions and intentions of others, etc. (I’ll admit, this one is tricky, but if you are a person of any religious affiliation my guess is you believe every human has a “soul” and that is, in part, my belief here)

I think these three intersections separate us from every other kind of creature on earth because no animal can check off all three of these areas.

No More Philosophy, Please…

I hear you – I just wanted to get that covered and out of the way!

The question is: what does it mean to be human in a digital marketing, online interaction sense?

I think to be human in the digital marketing space means to interact online with these three areas in mind, both coming from you towards others and when connecting with others directly.

  • Show you are human by revealing part of your spiritual well-being
  • Acknowledge that others are working within the framework of their intellectual well-being and adjust accordingly
  • Don’t sugarcoat or play with their emotional well-being if you don’t intend to help in some way

Just to give a few examples of what I mean. These can be subtle changes or even radical changes to your digital marketing strategies, but they are going to be worth it.

Let’s role play.

You are posting on Facebook about a case study for your service. Now, you could just throw in an advertisement about how it solves a problem and is uniquely designed to solve that problem (for reference, here is a great post about how to pitch a product that I wrote along with Catalyst Brand Group).

However, if you can tie in a unique story about how your service relates to YOU, the poster – an actual face of the business – using your name and how your emotional well-being was positively impacted by the service (or negatively impacted by the problem!), then that will connect with people in a big way.

You are connecting:

  1. A face
  2. A name
  3. An emotion

Which is going to connect in a completely different way than simply saying, “here is my awesome service and why you should buy it.” Right?

What Does It Mean to Be Human in Online Interactions?

With that example in mind, it’s time to start wondering and thinking about ways you can be more “human” in your marketing strategy.

Over the next weeks and months I will have a lot more thoughts on this aspect of digital marketing specifically, but I also want to acknowledge that this applies to your personal life, too.

You may not be in marketing or doing anything for your business.


My guess is that you have sent an email before.

Or posted on Facebook.

Or replied to a tweet.


You know what I mean.

So what does it mean to be more human in online interactions? It means following the same three standards I mentioned above. 

The only difference is that now, well, you are just being you.

So, treat people as if they are humans with emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs.

That is the best advice I have.

Too often we put on a good face for business interactions, but when it is time for personal online interactions, the gauntlets come OFF.

I am suggesting that, instead, we take a minute to smell the flowers (breathe in) and blow out the candles (breathe out) and think through what that person is communicating, how they are communicating it, and why they are communicating it. It’s the same process for your own online posts or interactions.

Are you in a healthy spiritual state? Do you need to meditate or pray or be alone for a minute or sit in silence, etc.?

Is the person who is posting something you disagree with struggling with their intellectual (mental) well-being? Have their posts and interactions become more illogical or erratic? Do you need to respond or do you need to reach out?

Has that family member expressed more emotion than usual? Are these emotions to this subject warranted? Do they need to be cheered up? Or do they just want someone to listen? Or do they need a swift kick in the pants to get their stuff together (with some help and guidance along the way)?

When you think of the person on the other end of that online interaction as a human, and respond as a human, then it will be a much more positive experience for everyone involved.

What’s next?

Well, whaddya think?

If Human-Centered digital marketing sounds interesting to you, then I would love for you to reach out and see if I can help with your digital marketing strategies. Otherwise, feel free to check the DSM Blog for other posts (and keep a look out for more Human-Centered Digital Marketing tips and tricks along the way).

If all else fails and you want to hear more of me spouting on about how marketing needs to become more human-centered and human-facing, then I would love for you to check out my Human-Centered Digital Marketing emails. I’d call it a newsletter, but those are kinda terrible most of the time. No real “news” in this “letter.” Just tips and tricks to help you be the best human on the digital marketing scene (for personal OR professional reasons).


How to Increase Value in Digital Marketing by Being Helpful - DSM Story Forge LLC · September 17, 2021 at 8:23 pm

[…] have already talked about what it means to Be Human, but now it is time to talk about what it means to Be Helpful. Essentially, it means to “increase […]

3 Essential Values of Digital Marketing - DSM Story Forge LLC · September 17, 2021 at 8:32 pm

[…] Being Human […]

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