How to Flip Your Side Hustle Into a Business

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

Turning your side hustle into a business isn’t as scary as it sounds.

Honestly, it is predominantly a mindset shift.

I’m going to start at the end and work backwards because I think it is too important to miss this fact: when you are building a business for yourself you are investing in your future to do the things you want to do.

When you understand that turning your side hustle into a business is less about making more money or doing more work than it is about investing in yourself and in your future.

Now, with that in mind, let’s talk about mindset and agency.

Turning Your Side Hustle Into a Business Requires a Different Mindset

A side hustle is a great way to earn some extra money here and there.

It isn’t wild to consider the possibility that you might start making money a little bit faster or at a higher rate of pay than your “normal” job. It also isn’t crazy to think that you might enjoy your side hustle more than your “normal” job.

With this in mind, there may come a time when you want to “make the switch.”

However, before you can make the jump from side hustle to business you have to realize the mindset shift taking place.

During this process, at some point, you have to have the thought that something could be better than what you are doing now.

I would argue that switching from a mindset of running from something (your “normal” job) must be shifted to a mindset of running to something.

You are not escaping from one job to the next. You are not jumping from working for someone else to being your own boss.

You are shifting from investing in someone else’s bank account to investing in yourself.

When you maintain this mindset, you will go much further, much faster.

Turning Your Side Hustle Into a Business Changes Your Agency

For clarification, I do not mean “agency” in the business sense.

I mean “agency” in the actions and interventions sense.

Most people work to make money to pay bills and maybe prepare for their future. Their agency is defined by someone else.

If they want those paychecks then they must do X, Y, and Z.

Even adding a side hustle is just adding another layer of agency being taken from you.

Think of your agency as your ability to decide to do things that you want to do. Putting in hours in exchange for time to earn someone else money is withdrawing from your total amount of agency.

The more you work, the less ability you have to decide to do the things you want to do.

Taking the leap to shifting your mindset and investing in yourself by building a business adds to your agency.

You are doing something you want to do and every decision you make from there will be because it is the thing you want to do in order to invest in the future you want.

Your Side Hustle Can Become Your Business

When you put these things together, you can turn any side hustle into a business.

If you are driving for a ridesharing company, then you can make the decision to start thinking creatively about how you can make more money with less time or labor. If you are doing some graphic design, then start getting more clients so you can start working when you want and for as much money as you want.

It doesn’t matter if your side hustle is still working for someone else or 100% being your own boss. You get to make the mindset shift and make the decision to add or subtract from your agency.

When those two pieces align, then you can do whatever you want.