Notes From The 5AM Club – Excerpt from DSM’s Brain

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

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Here is an excerpt from one of my latest projects called “DSM’s Brain.”

This came from a book called The 5AM Club, which has a crazy amount of reviews on Amazon. It’s a great read, but a daunting one. I took 6 pages of notes on this book – both by hand and typed out.

All of the notes in DSM’s Brain are a part of my own personal process, which, I might add, is pretty extensive. I pride myself on taking some pretty stellar notes.

Essentially, that’s what DSM’s Brain is – access to my process and the part of my “brain” where I store all of this information on books I read.

Check out the excerpt and let me know what you think.

Chapter 12 – The 5AM Club Discovers the Habit Installation Protocol

  1. The 5 scientific truths behind excellent habits
    1. Willpower is a developed skill
    2. Personal discipline must be stretched and challenged
    3. Recovery is vital to manage decision fatigue
    4. Installing habit requires a four-part routine to automate the habit
    5. Increasing self-control in one area correlates to increased self-control in all areas
  2. The 3 Values of Heroic Habit Makers
    1. Consistency & persistency
    2. Follow through determines the amount of personal respect generated
    3. How you practice in private is how you will perform in public
  3. The 1 General Theory of Self-Discipline Spartans
    1. To do the hard but important with regularity when it feels uncomfortable is how “warriors” are born
  4. To stretch your self-discipline you must engage in voluntary discomfort
  5. The Four-Part Routine of Habit Makers
    1. The Trigger: to set the habit in motion, like an alarm clock
    2. The Ritual: the habit itself
    3. The Reward: to encourage the habit
    4. The Repetition: Be consistent
      1. Use this routine to “hack” your habits and re-orient bad habits
  6. The Habit Installation Protocol
    1. 66 Day minimum to fully automate a habit, 3 sections of 22 days each
      1. Destruction – high effort, lots of self-discipline
      2. Installation – high effort, commitment can wane, be consistent
      3. Integration – Minimal effort, automaticity point reached!
  7. To make a habit last, don’t go it alone
  8. Learn by teaching
  9. When you want to quit, dig deeper instead

As I said, this was one chapter from the book.

If you are interested in having access to an ever-growing list of books I am reading and supporting, then I highly recommend buying your lifetime access to DSM’s Brain.

Yeah. Lifetime access. This list will only ever grow. Which means exponentially more notes over time. As that list grows, so will the cost of having access to DSM’s Brain. I recommend jumping in sooner rather than later. I will even happily put you on a list with updates on when new notes go up or when, if ever, the access to the list is switching – as well as any updates or features that may change over time.

If you have any questions, then please email me. Otherwise, hit that big button below and buy your lifetime access to DSM’s Brain!