How to Use LifeAt for Productivity

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

If you want to know how to use LifeAt for productivity hacking, then (first, check out this post) this is for you. You are so very wise because LifeAt has so much potential to really hack your productivity.

I won’t take anymore time trying to intro this because I am excited to share how I have used LifeAt to not only get work done, but start and finish side projects, too!

Power-using LifeAt for productivity

I like being called a “power-user” of just about anything. So that’s what we are going for here…

The secret to LifeAt lies within the Pomodoro Timer built into the web app.

If you aren’t familiar with the Pomodoro Method, let me give you a quick breakdown on what it is, why every productivity hack stems from this one, and how it has helped me out.

The Pomodoro Method

Pomodoro is Italian for “tomato” and, basically, it comes from a kitchen timer that was shaped like a tomato. 

Like with a kitchen timer, the whole idea behind the Pomodoro Method is to set a timer and work until that timer goes off. Simple. Brilliantly simple.

The “typical” way to practice the Pomodoro Method is with 25 minute bursts.

The next step of this process is to take a 5 minute break after the timer goes off.

Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. 25 minutes, 5 minute break. 25, 5. 

Now, after the 4th 25 minute work session, you don’t take another 5 minute break…but an extended break. This can be anywhere from 15-30 minutes. 

Why it’s so popular and why LifeAt uses it for productivity

Every productivity hack is based around the truths of the Pomodoro Method.

Work in bursts and make sure to rest.

There are people who call this “blocking” by sectioning off parts of your day as productive times of the day versus times when you need to rest or switch tasks.

Other people refer to this process as “flow.” Finding the times when you can be creative or productive and riding it out to its potential followed by taking time to rest.

Either way, it’s all the same.

For me, an adaptation of the Pomodoro Method has been my bread and butter, thanks to using LifeAt for productivity instead of just as a simple digital vibe space…

How I use LifeAt for productivity and finishing entire projects in small bursts

I discovered LifeAt only about 6 weeks before this writing. I honestly can’t remember where I discovered it, but I am so thankful I did.

When I started playing around with the Pomodoro Timer in the web app, I didn’t think much of it. Those 5 minute breaks were nice, but not overly useful to me. I’d rather just finish the project I am on and take a long rest after that…

…until I changed the timeframe to 20 minutes. This felt like plenty of time to really get some work done but not too long that my mind started to drift away on its own.

Then, I decided to meet myself in the middle and compromise.

20, 5. 20, 5. 20, 5. 20, 15.

But those breaks? 5 minutes here and there. Then 15 minutes at the end…

…I decided to try and work on passion projects in those short bursts.

It wasn’t much time at all, barely enough to get anything done. But it was enough to get my brain thinking about those passion projects in the background.

While I worked on projects I was getting paid for, my brain was working on the details of those passion projects. Those 5 minutes become infused with tons of productivity. That 15 minutes at the end made me able to go a lot further than I expected!

And those 5 minutes in between gave my brain time to tinker on ideas for my client work.

What used to take me 3 or 4 hours was taking me 2-3 hours because the time was more focused, my brain was working more efficiently on those projects. All while I was also working on some projects just because I wanted to.

In those 6 weeks, in 5 minutes at a time, I was able to start and finish an entire side project. It’s now in the editing and formatting stages (more news to come). So this simple trick of using LifeAt for productivity hacking has saved me time and made me far more productive than any other tool I have tried before.

Want to get started using LifeAt yourself?

Here comes the affiliate link–I can get some benefit if you do sign up, just an FYI, but I genuinely just want you to try it for yourself…because I think it can help a lot of people! 

It’s not only about saving time, making more money, etc. It’s about cleaning up your headspace, your mental capabilities. Getting things done does something in our brains, getting it done more efficiently feels even better!

But, if you like what you have read and want me to sling some ink for your product, service, etc., then check this contact form and let’s get something started! Otherwise, email me directly for any questions. I’d love to help you be the best you possible!

Oh and, hey, check out the DSM Blog. There’s loads more good stuff there. I think you’ll like it!

And, by the way, I appreciate you, friend!