DSM Story Forge-olution: The How, What, and Why of DSM Story Forge

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

DSM Story Forge

DSM Story Forge started half by accident and half intentionally.

First, let me explain the accident part.

The Accidental Career Shift

Up until July of 2020 I had been a Student Ministries Pastor for 4 years in Columbus, OH. For reasons that I won’t explain here, it was in my best interest to resign from that position.

No, it wasn’t for another job. In fact, that is part of how DSM Story Forge got started on accident. I didn’t have any job lined up.

I was leaving my ministry position to go sit at home and try and figure out what was next. 

I had been applying for jobs, but it was the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic and there were few jobs available and I was looking for a career switch. Most churches were shut down or just not hiring during this time.

So, I started writing. 

I worked on my first book. I wrote on Vocal. I wrote on Medium. Then, I decided to start freelance writing.

My first major freelance writing client had me sign an NDA and I decided it probably made sense to write under an LLC for that extra layer of legal protection.

So, that’s kind of how DSM Story Forge got started.

The Intentional Career Shift

But, it’s not the only how for DSM Story Forge. Because there was an intentional career shift into writing as well.

I have always loved writing. 

I was writing before DSM Story Forge and I will be writing after DSM Story Forge.

But, making a career of doing something I am passionate about and, dare I say, talented at is huge for me. It’s part of why I was in ministry.

Passion and gifting. Now, I found passion and gifting in writing.

The Why of DSM Story Forge

Now, after I founded DSM Story Forge, I needed to figure out what I was going to do with my business.

I could just freelance and be happy with it. Market myself and my writing skills and write for others the rest of my life.

That honestly sounds pretty good, too.

While I felt the urge to help others tell their stories, I also felt the urge to tell my own story. 

I felt the call to create content that tells great stories or helps others tell great stories. 

I am a big, big fan of storytelling.

DSM Story Forge was started to simply help others tell their own story, and to pass off some digital products I was hoping to create to make money off of, but it became something more than that over time.

I started hearing about other people going through the same struggles I did in ministry. I met with people who heard my story and shared their story with me

I started hearing about other people wanting to share their story publicly, but wasn’t sure where or how or what it takes to get started. I met with people who had a story the world needs to hear.

I started hearing about adventures and stories that simply needed a way to be told. I met with people looking for a way to create interactive mediums to share their stories with the world.

DSM Story Forge exists to forge stories. 

And that can take a lot of forms. 

So DSM Story Forge will find ways to help create and share those stories.

The What of DSM Story Forge

This all begs the question, “So what does DSM Story Forge DO?”

Well, that’s a great question!

As of this moment, I have been connected with people who are wanting help to write and publish their books, people who need help shaping their blogs and articles and web copy, people who want to find ways to share what they love with the world, people who want to connect those in prison with loved ones spiritually, people who want to be able to study the Lord’s Prayer more in-depth as a group, and I have been working on several new books.

All of these may use a completely different medium.

One might end up having me serve as a self-publishing coach, another might have me position my business as a publishing company. One may end up being a podcast, another might have me writing rules and instructions for a tabletop game.

DSM Story Forge is in the business of helping others, and myself, tell better stories and sharing those stories with those who need to hear it. And I am game for shifting as needed to make that happen.

Want to be Part of the DSM Story Forge-olution?

This being said, if you are feeling a story stirring in your heart, then please do not hesitate to reach out. Whether you need help with a blog, you want to start a book, you have a book finished and want to learn how to self-publish a book, or you have something I can’t imagine, I want to chat with you about it!

Categories: DSM Personal

1 Comment

How to Get Organized For Daily Life - DSM Story Forge LLC · May 29, 2021 at 2:34 am

[…] became a writer and Story […]

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