How to Determine Your Content Schedule

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

When figuring out your content schedule, you will need to focus on two main things: what type of content you are posting and to what segment of your audience you are posting it for.

Think of it like this…

…If you post great promotional or educational content in the middle of the night, is anyone going to engage with it?



…Your audience is specifically awake and interacting with that type of content at that specific time.

We are going to dig into some of the details in this brief guide, but it could truly be an entire strategy session to do it right.

What type of content schedule are you looking for

This is where we get to some of the fun bits! So get your notes ready for this one.

There are two broad categories you can break all content down into (from a consumer perspective): Vice Content and Virtue Content.

To keep everything simple, you can break it down into vice content being anything you would enjoy consuming in your down time, your relaxation time. It’s important to note here that this type of content will vary based on your audience.

Virtue content, on the other hand, is anything you would enjoy consuming in order to better yourself. Again, this varies based on your audience.

Vice content schedule

Typically, for all forms of vice content, people are wanting to use this type of content to unwind. So, for your content marketing efforts, this is going to be easy-to-watch videos with less CTAs and more investment in building your credibility and trust.

…Another way to consider it, this is your opportunity to create content that you want to create. If you enjoy making it, then people will likely enjoy consuming it. Just be clear on the point of the content. Then, secondarily, connect it with the rest of your brand or other content.

As for when to post vice content, that depends entirely on your audience segment. The short answer: whenever they would want to consume vice content.

Virtue content schedule

Now, creating a content schedule for your virtue content can be a little bit trickier.

This is going to be the content where you rely heavily on CTAs and slides and promotional or educational content. However, people interact with content asynchronously. So they may be in the mood for vice content when they come across your virtue content.

Don’t let this perturb you. Make your virtue content high quality and, if they need to rediscover you down the line, then it will be there when they are ready.

Same as before, though, schedule this content when your audience segment would typically want to consume virtue content.

Audience segmentation

There isn’t much to add here that hasn’t already been implied. So let’s say it directly…

…You always need to keep your audience in mind when you create any form of content. This will be critical to your content marketing strategy.

If you are wanting to specifically create content for your night owl audiences, then that is great to post in the middle of the night. If you were hoping for your professional audience to see it and engage with it, though…then you completely missed the boat.

So, as we mentioned with both vice and virtue content, you need to build your content schedule around when you 1) think they will see it and 2) want to see it.

Be smart about it, but be creative, too. Take some risks.

Need Content Marketing Help?

Well, I have good news! DSM Story Forge is all about content strategy, content marketing, and more. If you want some outside advice on how you could build out a content schedule, then we can help.

Feel free to reach out here on our beautiful website or just hit Dylan up directly. Otherwise, I’d love for you to check out all of our other super cool content on the DSM blog!

As always, friends, I appreciate you!

1 Comment

8 Tips On How to Write Engaging Content - DSM Story Forge LLC · March 4, 2022 at 9:06 pm

[…] being said, something to keep in mind is that, sometimes, what we are looking for is vice content–so we are scanning for what will make us smile, laugh, relax, […]

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