Chromebook: 5 Easy Reasons They Are a Great Purchase

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

All Hail Our Google Overlords!

Back in 2011 I remember hearing about something Google was doing called a “Chromebook.”

Up to this point in my life, I still had a flip phone (because I refused to jump on the smartphone “fad”) but I loved using Google Docs, my Gmail account, and looking things up on the internet.

Honestly, there wasn’t a lot going for Google that made me drink the kool-aid and hop on the bandwagon so early. I wasn’t using a ton of Google services or products, but the ones I did use…I loved!

So it took me no time at all to request a Chromebook for Christmas to use in college.

By January of 2012 I was carrying around my Chromebook proudly for all to see and using everything it had to offer.

Started in 4 seconds or less, weighed about a pound so was easy to tote around, and had around a 10 hour battery life so I never had to be too concerned about charging it.

It was awesome.

I used it all through college. After graduation, though, I didn’t get much use out of it. Then, when I was working in ministry in 2016 I started using it more and more again.

Everything still worked swimmingly.

Then, in 2017, I started it up and got a completely blank white screen.


It was time to say goodbye to my trusty Chromebook of 6 years (5 of which had daily use and sometimes several hours for those days).

It was a tank and was more than I could ever want or need.

The Dark Years

After my first Chromebook finally died in 2017 I never replaced it. I just kept using my clunky laptop for everything, even though I still used about the same tools I would have with a Chromebook.

It seemed like a waste of space and computing power, but I just didn’t need much.

I used Google Sites, Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawing, etc. I had a Google Pixel (which I also hopped on the bandwagon for quickly and still use only Google phones to this day).

My whole life was Google, except for my computer.

A Chance to Fall in Love With a Chromebook Again

In 2020 I transitioned out of ministry and started my own business (ya know, the website you are reading this on).

I started to wish I had a more portable option so I could work on something on my laptop, grab my portable option and head off to a meeting, and pick right up where I left off at a cafe or something.

I knew right away that my solution was a Chromebook. No doubt in my mind.

I started researching the best options and saving up for a decent Chromebook (one with a little bit more bells and whistles than my college version).

Why Chromebooks are Perfect For Anyone

Now, you may be wondering why I settled on a Chromebook again versus an iPad or some kind of hybrid device. So, let me give you some of my reasons why I think a Chromebook is worth it for ANYONE (and, yes, I will try to convince you to buy one for yourself – and, no, this is not an affiliate post. I’m just a superfan of Google products and services).

1. Lightweight

This one is pretty obvious. There are fewer components in Chromebooks because they don’t need crazy amounts of storage space, GPUs, CPUs, etc. And, if you are toting around a piece of equipment, less is more in my book. 

Plus, it gives you more room in your backpack (or messenger bag, because I love those, too) for all the other essentials you might need: I always have a couple decks of cards on me for spontaneous card magic, usually two books so I have a choice of something to read during down time, chargers for my phone and sometimes my Chromebook (more on that later), and maybe some snacks. So that extra space is a necessity.

2. Crazy Battery Life

I’ve already touched on this one, but the battery life on these tiny devices is amazing. I have done an entire work day out at Panera and didn’t have to plug in my device. It wasn’t even fully charged when I left! In fact, I rarely worry about bringing my charger because I only plug it in every couple of days for an hour or two and that usually tops it off (did I mention they charge super fast, too!?)

I have always had laptops that say they can last for hours, but 99% of everyone I’ve ever talked to says their laptops die in about an hour after using them for about a year.

My old Chromebook always lasted for more than 7 or 8 hours, even when it was 6 years old. I don’t see any signs on my new one slowing down anytime soon either.

It just works great!

3. Peak Cloud Performance

It is no secret that a Chromebook owes much more its success to the fact that everything about it is designed to function off Google’s Cloud services. And, honestly, this is hugely important.

In college, I would take notes on a Google Doc (well, the few times I took notes that is), close my Chromebook, and sometimes pull those notes up at the library or on my workstation laptop in my room. That seamless transition from one device to the others is huge.

Now, for my business, I work 100% remotely and have client meetings online and in person, so being able to stop my work, grab my Chromebook, and run out the door with the knowledge that I can pick right back up when I get there: game changer.

4. Start Time

This one is minor, but I am impatient. 

These suckers start up in no time. The longest I have waited for my Chromebook to boot up is about 10 seconds. My home computer, it can take several minutes for everything to turn on so I can start actually using programs.

Again, game changer.

5. Affordable

Here we get to my favorite thing about Chromebooks.

They are so affordable!

When I got my first Chromebook it cost me $149! And I used it almost daily for 6 years.

This time around I bought a $339 Chromebook (but only spent $219 because it was on sale) for an upgraded version.

I use my Chromebook daily for hours a day in my basement, my bedroom, my couch, out back while I watch the kids play, on the front porch for my outdoor office space, or out wherever I am. 

The freedom it provides at such a reasonable price is worth every. single. penny.

Questions? Challenges?

Alright. Now you know why I think YOU need a Chromebook.

But do you have any questions? Do you want to challenge me on something? I’d love to hear your thoughts and talk about Chromebooks or anything else about our Google Overlords! Feel free to comment below or hit me up directly via email.

If you like what you see, then I’d encourage you to peruse the rest of my site. If you really like what you see and are looking for a writer, then I’d suggest filling out the contact form and we can get started chatting soon!