How a Content Marketing Strategy Can Help Your Startup or SME

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

Content writing such as blog posts, web content, social media content, etc. can seem like tasks that can be handled in-house, but that isn’t always the case. When you are a startup, it may be so far in the back of your mind that focusing on your content marketing strategy isn’t on your radar. 

You’re far too busy with the other 50 hats you are wearing to be concerned about blog posts, social media posts, lead generators, guides, courses, and the millions of other things that could be included as part of your content marketing.

Oh, wait…

Are you an SME (small to mid-size enterprise) and you just realized you aren’t focusing on some of these things either?

See? It happens to all of us.

The content gets done, right? So what else is there to it?

This is where working with someone who knows content writing can make a difference in your business, startup or SME.

Content writing with a purpose

Unless you have an in-house writing team (actually, even then sometimes), paying special attention to the content strategy behind the content writing, as well as the quality and actual help being provided to clients, can get lost in the shuffle.

We all know that consistency, as DJ Khaled would say, is key. It is the key to pretty much everything in life. So it is the key to an effective content strategy.

More importantly, it is the key to understanding how content writing can help your startup or SME.

If you have content written consistently, then that is amazing. That is half the battle, though.

If the content you are creating has no process or purpose behind it, then it will ultimately fall flat on its face.

Great content will help your customer. It can help them make a purchasing decision, help them solve a problem, or help them find important information. The key is that every piece of content is created to help the customer.

When your content is made to help rather than simply make sales, then you build an incredible amount of credibility and trust.

How to make a content marketing strategy work for you

Honestly and truly, there are about 1,000+ articles out there that break down the dozens and dozens of ways you can build an effective content marketing strategy.

However, I want to take the stance that it is less about the content strategy but the content strategy mindset that is going to make or break it for your startup or SME.

The various amounts of content writing you are going to do is going to have as much or as little impact as you want and expect…

…but if you adjust your thinking that your content marketing strategy is less about building your business and more about genuinely engaging with your audience…

that is where the magic happens.

So, go ahead and pick any content strategy you want. The majority of them are great ideas, I am sure. But keep your focus on engaging your audience at the heart of all your content writing. 

Because cranking out content for the sake of likes, comments, shares, etc. isn’t necessarily going to snag you any clients or generate any revenue. By sheer numbers, it probably will. But are you selling to numbers? Are you helping data points on a spreadsheet? Or are you serving people?

So where does DSM Story Forge come in?

You knew this was going to pop up somewhere, but I promise it is short.

DSM can A) help you define a content marketing strategy, B) help you create the content, and C) point you in the right direction if we are not a good fit!

That’s the beauty of the DSM Story Forge content strategy – we try to provide value at every turn and recognize that we are all human and, therefore, may not be a perfect fit every time. And that is okay.

Ready to tackle your content marketing strategy now?

Hopefully this small guide has helped you understand both how a content marketing strategy can help your startup or SME as well as how to really make content marketing effective for you.

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to email Dylan directly. Otherwise, feel free to comment or contact DSM for anything else.

Of course, feel free to check out our social links below and make sure to see everything else going on over at our DSM blog!

1 Comment

7 Guaranteed Strategies to Create Value for Your Customers - DSM Story Forge LLC · February 19, 2022 at 3:30 am

[…] you aren’t building out a content strategy that will benefit your customers, then what is even the point? Who are you trying to fool […]

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