How to Be Helpful by Bringing Tons of Value to Customers

Published by Dylan Scott Miller on

When I talk about “Be Helpful” as part of the core values of human-centered digital marketing, what I mean is that you focus on bringing value to your customers.

Everything you do should be to help your customers.

Your content creation? Helpful, valuable.

Your emails? Helpful, valuable.

Your “freebies” or lead generation? Helpful, valuable.

Your social media posts? Helpful, valuable.

Are you seeing the trend here?

Have I made it clear yet that to be helpful is about bringing value to customers?

Okay. No more questions. Time for answers.

1. Don’t Over-Promise What You Can Do or Deliver

This is a good rule of thumb for anything in life. 


When it comes to delivering helpful and valuable content to your clients, customers, and followers…

…it is vital.

You need to be able to constantly deliver on what you are saying you can deliver. This helps your customers know they are important and that you don’t lie.

2. Create Client-Specialized Content

First, know your audience.

Second, ask them what they want to see.

Three, make that content available.

It is a simple process, but not easily implemented. You should be interacting with your ideal clients almost every single day. So no one should have a better finger on the pulse of what they want than you.

But…if you just make the content you think they want…

Then you are getting nowhere slowly.

3. Ask For Feedback

This seems obvious and easy, but it is so often overlooked.

Don’t give them a basic survey email for every transaction.

Personalize it. Segment it based on purchases, behaviors, etc. Make it so they feel you want their feedback, not blanket feedback from every person out there.

The more you ask for feedback, the more data you will have to pull from about what to change and adjust for the next go around.

4. Over-Deliver (Bonuses, Extras, Freebies)

Remember how we talked about not over-promising?

Well, this is the flipside of that argument.

Rather than over-promising and under-delivering…

…Blow them away by giving them exactly what they want but go above and beyond to make it amazing.

If it is a free service, a free PDF, a guarantee, whatever…

Just have something and some way you can give them all the extra goodies they want or need.

Now you know how to be helpful by bringing value to your customers! Right?

If you want to be helpful and exemplify the core values of digital marketing, then bringing value to your customers is the best way to do it. 

Give way more than you get.

It’s a surefire way to make more work for yourself…yes…

…But it’s also a guaranteed way to net way more profits.

If you want help with this in any way and you are thinking, “Man, I wonder if Dylan would be able to help me with X, Y, or Z,” then let me encourage you by saying…


There is no way to know unless you drop me a line and we find out together how I can be helpful to you.

Reach out to me either on my contact page or email me directly if you aren’t sure that I offer what you need. If not, then I will try my best to point you in the right direction. Promise.